Summary :

Windows 11 oobesettings something went wrong

Windows 10/Windows 11 oobesettings something went incorrect is a mutual mistake when setting up the system firstly. If you are running into this oobesettings error, how tin you get rid of the trouble from your PC? Refer to this postal service and you can find some useful solutions provided by MiniTool Solution.

Windows ten/Windows eleven Oobesettings Error

When you first set up the Windows PC, you take to go through a process – choose the language/region, set up a Pin, accept the license agreement, connect to the internet, log in with, sign upwards for a Microsoft Business relationship, and more than. This is called OOBE, short for Out of the Box Feel past Microsoft.

Usually, the setup procedure tin finish without any issue. But, sometimes you go the error message maxim "Something went wrong.

But you tin can try again.


This error is mainly acquired past some faulty settings within the Windows registry. This issue doesn't involve hardware and you can hands remove it.

Fixes for Oobesettings Fault Windows eleven/10

Try Again

The commencement affair you can do is to press the Try once more button at the bottom of the screen. Sometimes this can fix the error and y'all tin keep to complete the setup of Windows 11/ten. If the mistake of oobesettings something went wrong still appears, effort other methods beneath.

Restart the Organisation

Sometimes a simple restart can set up some system bug. If you are bothered by Windows 11 oobesettings something went wrong, yous can also have a try.

Just press the ability push button to strength close down the PC then printing this button to reboot it. Then, Windows will ask you to configure OOBE settings over again. If you nonetheless get the oobesettings error, continue the troubleshooting tip.


How to perform an SFC browse in Windows ten/xi? Hither are the steps yous should follow.

Related article: The Detailed Data almost System File Checker Windows 10

Step 1: Type cmd to the search bar, right-click on Command Prompt and choose Run equally administrator.

Step two: Type sfc /scannow and printing Enter.

This process can take some time and you should look until the verification reaches 100%. Afterward that, reboot your PC and come across if the oobesettings error is removed.

Fix Windows Registry

If at that place is something incorrect with the Windows registry items, you can get the Windows x/Windows 11 oobesettings mistake. To go rid of the result, try to fix the registry by post-obit the steps below.

Step ane: Type regedit to the search bar and click Registry Editor from the outcome.

Step ii: Go to the location - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/Retentiveness Management.

Stride 3: Go to the right pane, right-click on the CommitLimit value and choose Delete.

Stride 4: Reboot the PC to check if the error has been stock-still.

how to fix broken registry items thumbnail

If you are looking for a method to fix broken registry items, this mail is what you lot desire. Information technology will introduce you 5 methods to repair this problem.

Reset This PC

If all of these methods cannot work to prepare Windows x/Windows 11 oobesettings something went wrong, the last way you lot tin can try is to reset your PC.

In Windows xi, go to Settings > System > Recovery, click the Reset PC button from the Reset this PC department, choose the desired choice to reset, and select the style of reinstalling that you want. Then, click Reset to first the procedure.

In Windows ten, go to Settings > Update & Security > Recovery and click Get started from the Reset this PC department. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to start the PC resetting process.

Afterward trying all the solutions, Windows 10/Windows eleven oobesettings error should exist fixed and yous tin can set up the PC and so that you lot tin use it. Merely have a try.